Saturday, December 5, 2015

My Millionaire Mentor $500 Profit Guaranteed

My Millionaire Mentor offers you a long term opportunity to earn money. It does not claim that it is a MLM (multi – level marketing) company. For those of you who don’t know what an MLM company is: An MLM is a company that requires you to have a recruit to earn money. My Millionaire Mentor is not an MLM. It’s a home based business where you are given a library of products which you can promote, and earn commissions up to $15,000 from those sales.

Don’t worry My Millionaire Mentor will actually get the customers for you and help you earn those huge commissions with ease. You’ll not be left in the dark at any stage.

In order to start earning, you need to join the My Millionaire Mentor program and become a private member. Once you’re a private member you will be coached closely by a multimillionaire. My Millionaire Mentor helps new members area their first $5,000 day within 30 days of signing up. They also guarantee you $500 for signing up with their system.

So you have literally nothing to lose by joining.

So what do you need to do?

In order to join, you don’t need to shell out $1000’s. No worries, you can join My Millionaire Mentor for just $49. That’s a one time $49 charge to get started.

Once you pay the $49 you’ll receive a phone call from your millionaire mentor, who will guide you through the 21 step process and get you on your path to making your first $5,000 day online.

Learn the steps, work a few hours a day in the comfort of your own home and you can start earning money. Trust me, there’s nothing like having the freedom to work from your bed in your PJ’s and still make over $1,000 in commissions.

My conclusion and feedback

Here’s my conclusion for you on “My Millionaire Mentor Review

For the price My Millionaire Mentor is charging (Just $49) it’s honestly a no brainer. They guarantee you’ll make at least $500 just for signing up (and they’ll refund your $49 if you’re unhappy). I’ve joined My Millionaire Mentor and in the last 30 days alone I’ve made $15,000, and let me tell you, it’s been the easiest $15,000 I’ve ever earned.

Earning money from the comfort of your own home is like something out of a fairy tail, but with this system it’s a reality.

I hope My Millionaire Mentor Review was helpful and insightful.


Thursday, December 3, 2015

My Millionaire Mentor Review - Scam or Sweet Opportunity $500 Profit Guaranteed

My Millionaire Mentor Review - Scam or Sweet Opportunity $500 Profit Guaranteed Ok people it is time for another review of a “money on autopilot system” that claims you will get rich in no time, and without you having to do any work at all. What is My Millionaire Mentor? Is it legit or is it just another scam?


To be honest I am really sick and tired of all these fake testimonials and fake products. In this My Millionaire Mentor review, let’s uncover all the secrets behind this kind of scams so we can “shut up” everyone who trying to promote it.

Luxury cars, private jets, and yachts, mansions and bla bla bla.Do you really think you can make $100,000 in one single month? I do, but not with something like this. Let’s break down this “program” and settle all the bullshit behind everyone trying to promote this kind of scam.

Product: My Millionaire Mentor


Owner: Ryan Mathews (probably a fake name)

Price: $49 + additional “upsells”

Who is it for: The “voice” in the promo video claims for everyone who wants to get rich fast and easy (yeah right) What is My Millionaire Mentor all about?

This program is really just another one of those overly priced hosting programs that claim that you can make about $100,000 in one month, with close to no effort at all from your side.. I wonder how many millionaires these “programs” and the guys behind it have made.

Have you watched the promo video for this program? Oh my God! I have to say that I have seen much worse acting from make money online programs, but this one is on top 5 of the nominees. If you want to see this Hollywood film click here

$1000-$10,000 guaranteed per day? I guess this would be a good situation to bring up the good ole saying. “If it seems too good to be true, then it most likely is”. This is really so fake and it really should be obvious it is.

Let me show you how everything runs in this scam industry and how you can avoid being another “victim” in the statistic. Who is this Ryan Mathews?

First of all, this dude Ryan Mathews is nowhere to be found. He is probably some actor or “voice” behind this scam product. He or “they” has most likely created other scams almost identical to this one.

Why would someone want to hide themselves from their own product? Oooh, oooh I know, because it’s a scam! If anyone do not want (or can’t) stand behind their product and has to hide, that my friend should ring the scam alert alarm big time.

There are many people out there using fake names and hire people to claim they make tons of money using some made up system. You can find these “actors” on sites like for example. On that site and other similar ones you can hire anyone to do some acting for you for $5.

It is really a “mystery” to me how people do this kind of scams without having no shame about it. How this kind of Scam Works

The process is in reality very simple and the scammers are using the same technique they have used for a long time millionaire mentor scam

The (my millionaire mentor) program claims that you will get $500 after watching the video, but what really happens is that you are asked to pay $49 to get access to the program. If you sign up for it and pay the $49 you will almost immediately get asked to pay $89 for “website hosting”.

If you think it is that expensive to host a site you have to do some research, you do not have to pay that much. There are companies that host unlimited sites for about $5 – $7, Hostgator for example.

After you have paid for your millionaire hosting, you will then be directed to your “training area” and here you will learn to promote the exact same scam you just bought.

There is no solid training at all with this program, so what the hell are you paying for??

You will end up like the other “victims” that gave in to this millionaire mentor scam and trying to sell it, even if you know it is a bullshit product. Do not be the next person who try to post positive reviews about some bullshit that DO NOT even work in any way. How this Fake Character “Ryan Mathews” Makes Money

This is actually a simple process and it is (belive me or not) the exact same way to make A LOT of money online. This is actually how online millionaires are made. CLICK HERE AFFILIATE SIGNUP PAGE affiliate

It is called affiliate marketing , and if you are serious about making money online, the best advice I can give you is to try it yourself.

How does it work then?

When you buy this overpriced bullshit product and hosting, this “mr x” makes a commission from every sale. Some of the money go to the hosting company and the rest goes to “mystery man” Ryan Mathews himself.

It might not sound like a lot of money, but when you have thousands of people who buy this scam, the amount of money will add up to millions! I guess this is the main reason why “scammers” like this John Doe guy do this kind of things. This is really an “ugly” way to make money and a good example of how the rich get richer and it is always the completely uneducated who makes them rich.

You can do the same, but you can do it by selling real products from sites people already buying from like Amazon or Aliexpress for example. This is totally legit and you do not have to lie to anyone about the products, because the “customers” was looking for the product in the first place.

Click here to read more about this and learn how you can make money like this through Amazon for example.

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My Millionaire Mentor 2011 Program Review – Is It a Scam

What is the My Millionaire Mentor 2011 program?

My Millionaire Mentor 2011 is a video-oriented and internet marketing training and mentoring program by Michael Cheney.  Within My Millionaire Mentor, Michael claims to teach you all the techniques he has used to become an internet millionaire.  In addition, it seeks to provide a solution to daily challenges like organization and becoming overwhelmed that hinder so many people  from succeeding online, which makes it great for newbies, those who may be struggling, and seasoned marketers alike.  The program is two-fold.  It also doesn’t require any prior experience, a website, or technical knowledge.


Is the My Millionaire Mentor 2011 program a scam?

The My Millionaire Mentor 2011 program is not a scam or”make money” scheme.  Michael Cheney has been making money online since the dawn of the net (circa 1995) and has a solid reputation for providing high-quality content (both free and paid).  He really knows his stuff.  He doesn’t deceive you into thinking you can make thousands overnight “at the push of a button” with no work.  Michael is all about teaching you real tactics to make real money and providing real solutions to real problem that you frequently come across as a internet marketer.  He “walks the walk” and is the real deal.

How does the My Millionaire Mentor 2011 program work?

My Millionaire Mentor 2011 comes with a total of 16 videos.  8 of the videos are what Michael considers “Cash Catchers.”  These “Cash Catcher” videos  house the internet marketing training portion of the course.  Each “Cash Catcher” comes with a 90 minute – 2hr. downloadable audio file.  Each audio file comes with a video transcript as well.  There is also a 8 mentoring videos (1/CC) as well as mind maps to keep you on track.  My Millionaire Mentor comes with bonuses and support as well.  Below is a break down of the 8 Cash Catcher video modules within Michael Cheney’s My Millionaire Mentor 2011 program:

*Module 1: Cash Catcher boot camp

*Module 2: List Cash Catcher

*Module 3: Affiliate Cash Catcher

*Module 4: Easy Sales Cash Catcher

*Module 5: Traffic Cash Catcher

*Module 6: Golden Cash Catcher

*Module 7: Hands-Free Cash Catcher

*Module 8: Millionaire Cash Catcher

Whether you are new to making money online or struggling, it’s crucial that you have a mentor that you not only trust but one that has been where you  are and is where you want to be.  Michael Cheney, with more than a decade of experience, is that man and his My Millionaire Mentor 2011 is how you get to where  you want to be.  His My Millionaire Mentor 2011 program is not a scam and comes with a 60-day money back guarantee.  I hope you found this My Millionaire  Mentor 2011 review helpful and invite you to click the link below to get Michael Cheney’s My Millionaire Mentor 2011 training course.